The World Harmony
Foundation’s Honorary Chairman Lester Wolff,
a 102-year-old Senior Congressman,
initiated a Sustainable Development Goals Educational Wildlife Refuge at
his birthday party with WHF.
On January 4, 2021, the Honorary Chairman of WHF, Lester
who is a well-known expert on Asian foreign affairs in the United States,
and a former Congressman who played an important role in
promoting the establishment of diplomatic relations between
China and the United States.
WHF Global Headquarters held an unique online birthday
celebration for Lester Wolff in New York. WHF Directors and
members attended the celebration from offices in Asia,
Africa, Latin America,
Europe, and Australia.
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Nancy
"He is a gift to America and is an outstanding
in American history."
He served as Campaign Manager for President John F. Kennedy
and then was elected to the House of Representatives in 1964
and served until 1981. He also received the highest honor in
the United States in 2014-the Congressional Medal of Honor.
He was also a contributor to the establishment of diplomatic
relations between China and the United States, as he lobbied
most of the Congressmen & Senators in the both Houses to
pass the bill to sign the normalization of Sino-US relations
with Deng Xiaoping. These are all recorded in the papers of
the Congress.
Last year, during his 101st birthday, Lester Wolff received
a huge gift from the White House and both the House of
The Oyster Bay National Wildlife Refuge was unanimously
passed in the House and Senate, and signed by the President
to be legally renamed
“The Congressman Lester Wolff Oyster Bay National
Wildlife Refuge”.
This was in order to commemorate his protection of the environment at the
bay from the damage that would be caused from the
construction of a bridge across Long Island Sound, bringing
much vehicular traffic to the area.
The bill was submitted by Congressman Tom Suozzi, who
presented a certificate and plaque on the behalf of the
White House and the Congress to Lester in the January 2020
event. Frank Liu, was invited by Lester Wolff to witness
this ceremony.
On January 4, 2021, Lester Wolff is very happy to join the
WHF global members at the birthday celebration to planning
to submit an application to the UNDESA to make the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals Educational Resource
Center at the Lester Wolff National Wildlife Refuge,
and plans to establish "sister parks" in different countries in the world
in order to promote the United Nations’ SDG Goals to educate
the community to pay attention to protecting natural
ecology, protecting forests, protecting endangered animals,
promotion of renewable energy, and preventing the spread of
viruses, and preventing global warming.
The Initiative Letter to United Nations Department of
Economics and Social Affairs (UNDESA) which in charge of UN-SDGs,
Forestry and Bio-diversity was sent on Lester’s birthday.
Lester Wolff was very excited to express his testimony at
the birthday celebration:
“From John F. Kennedy to Trump, he has served as an advisor to eight
presidents out of nine. Harmony and Peace is his goal in
life. God keeps him alive with good health to continue with
the work of maintaining peace every day. His wish is to see
"Sino-US relations improve to the point that they are
completely friendly and Cross-Strait peace between China and
Taiwan is completely realized!”
He advocated that China, the United States and Taiwan should
re-play "Ping Pong Diplomacy” for world peace and harmony.
All WHF members hope that the dream of WHF Honorary Chairman
former Congressman Wolff can come true.
Reported By ACTV reporter Janey Ren , Editor Richard Jordan
(这是英文稿) |
《世界和谐基金会荣誉主席102岁的资深国会议员寿辰发起绿色行动》---- 联合国生态教育五大洲连锁基地
Birthday ”生日歌而开始了连线的庆典活动,各地干部们分别给他发来了祝福语与幸运红包,祝他长寿二百岁!
美国国会议长Nancy Pelosi说: “Lester是美国的国宝级人物。Lester
2020年1月,在他101岁生日之际,Lester Wolff 得到白宫与参众两院的最好礼物:长岛Oyster Bay
生态公园被两院投票通过并由总统签字而法定命名为 “Lester Wolff野生栖息地天然公园“,
Suozzi 代表国会与白宫亲自颁发了证书与牌匾。
1月4日这天,Lester Wolff非常高兴在庆祝生日活动上与WHF全球会员一起倡导发起向联合国申办“Lester
该倡议函已经在沃尔夫的生日当天提交给联合国分管可持续发展、森林、生物多样性的“联合国社会经济事务部 UNDESA。”
记者Janey Ren 纽约报道