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Avazoo: World's First Billion Dollar
Charity Raffle
Launch of the
Billion Dollar Charity Raffle NFT |
Click the link below
to purchase an
Avazoo NFT entry.
Purchase an
Avazoo NFT Entry, Click Here
Avazoo tickets and NFT entries can not be purchased in the USA
and a number of other countries presently |
Click Here
to download a Print Friendly PDF of the full Report |
is Avazoo....???
No, Abracadabra! No, Hocus Pocus! No, Mumbo Jumbo!

never heard of it? You will…
Avazoo, is launching the world’s first
Billion Dollar Charity Raffle.
Fully licensed and donating a phenomenal
70 % of
proceeds to World Philanthropic Projects
Digital Philanthropy’s new
Embracing the opportunity for new
to transform the contribution of Civil Society
to the challenge of creating a better world
Dave Cutler:
Gerard Mc Keon |
Fashion Week |
First Ladies
Fashion for Development Luncheon |
Black Tie International Magazine
Waldorf = Astoria, NYC |
Women Connect for Health & Education: Empowering Women in
the Digital Era |
Dave Cutler, the Marketing Director of Avazoo,
speaking with Joyce Brooks, Editor-in-Chief, Black Tie
International Magazine |
70% of Avazoo's Proceeds
to be apportioned
to Prizes & World Philanthropic Projects |
It’s a tremendous innovative and Smart Philanthropy
which will generate hundreds of millions of
dollars of new project funding.
While successfully
engaging for the first time the tremendous goodwill of
the average person to do good, through the power of the
global networked economy. |
Late 2022, early evening, it’s going to happen soon.
You and millions of viewers from around the world
Prime time television news live
from lets say, Manila.
The web is surging with posts and cloud storms,.
expectations surge.
Not since the Royal Wedding, the death of Nelson Mandela,
there been so much media coverage of one event.
It’s happening Now!
The winning ticket for the world’s first
Billion Dollar Raffle
is being drawn, live on the screen of your TV,
on your
smart phone, over the web.
It’s a Raffle, someone is going to win
One Billion Dollar’s
It’s your number, It’s my Number.
and YES! It’s A Shoo-in…"
You, I , we, are the newest, richest person on the
Planet “
A dream big enough to engage the most jaded
and in the depressed state of many economies these days,
a diversion from the doom and gloom.
"A warm fuzzy chance at a new life or at least the
of a few minutes of banter at the water fountain,
while personally doing the right thing."
provides a wonderful diversion,
the real possibility of becoming the next Billionaire.
Priced to cost no more than a
“Date night”
Dinner and a Movie,
Dave Cutler,
the Marketing Director of Avazoo,
put’s it well
“We wanted to bring something
fun and exciting to the table,
in order to tackle these large problems
we need to engage a great many ordinary people
and we want to encourage their support
by making it personally rewarding and exciting.
Who does not have a wish list of things they would do
if they were really wealthy?
One person will win the Billion Dollars,
but we will all enjoy the possibility of spending it” |
What is Avazoo? |
Avazoo Mission |
is to help those whose lives have been turned
upside down
because of their own personal circumstances,
or natural disasters.
By coming together as one
around the world,
can overcome these challenges and make a difference
the less fortunate.
In order to do so, we wanted to design a
worldwide game
where patrons would be rewarded for their efforts to help others.
We did not reinvent the wheel, we just put a new twist to
Just as most lotteries in the world give to education,
Avazoo will give back to the world
a year-long Billion Dollar Charity Raffle.
Avazoo will become known as
world’s largest charitable event ever
and will continue for years to come.
70% of all
membership donations will be held by third-party
worldwide-recognized auditing firms
and will be issued directly to the causes and programs
Chairman of the
Board |
Dr. Hans Reinisch,
has a more than 20 year track record in worldwide CEO positions in Europe,
Australia, Caribbean and the US. In one of his Top Fortune
500 enterprises,
he served as
the Managing Director and CEO of EMI Music and Capitol
in Europe. During this time, the company was
into the world’s number one entertainment group,
by acquiring Virgin Records from Richard Branson,
and went on to represent major artists such as:
Frank Sinatra, Tina Turner, The Beatles, Nat King Cole,
Garth Brooks, Led Zeppelin, and Deep Purple.
The acquisition included managing major labels, SBK, Chrysalis, Atlantic,
His Master Voice, and Virgin Records in Europe.
Avazoo is proud to have Dr. Hans Reinisch
as our leader and with his worldwide experience in the entertainment
industry knowing hundreds of celebrities, as well as his
passion in philanthropy
and his Doctorate Degree in Finance
He is the perfect fit as the CEO of Avazoo Global. |
will support the
Development Goals
1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere
2) End hunger, achieve food security and
improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture
3) Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing
for all at all ages
4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for
5) Achieve gender equality and empower all
women and girls
6) Ensure availability and sustainable
management of water
and sanitation for all
7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable,
sustainable and modern energy for all
8) Promote sustained, inclusive and
sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment,
and decent work for all
9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote
inclusive and sustainable industrialisation,
and foster
10) Reduce inequality within and among
11) Make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient
and sustainable
12) Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
13) Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts
(taking note of agreements made by
the UNFCCC forum)
14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
seas and marine resources
for sustainable development
15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable
use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests,
combat desertification and halt and reverse land
degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
16) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies
for sustainable development, provide access to justice for
all and build effective, accountable and inclusive
institutions at all levels
17) Strengthen the means of implementation
and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable
Within the goals are a proposed 169 targets,
to put a bit of meat on the bones. Proposed targets under
goal one, for example, include reducing by at least half the
number of people living in poverty by 2030, and eradicating
extreme poverty (people living on less than $1.25 a day).
Under goal five, there’s a proposed target on eliminating
violence against women. Under goal 16 sits a target to
promote the rule of law and equal access to justice.
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