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Black Tie  International Magazine China 1

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Black Tie International:
Global Future Leader, Rooting in My Heart -
Art Advocates Peace, United Nation's Action of Global Future Leader Organization


Harmony Liu

Harmony Liu

Global Future Leader,
Rooting in My Heart -
Art Advocates Peace,
 United Nation's Action of Global Future Leader Organization

凤凰网正在紐約舉行的聯合國首腦大會暨 70 周年慶典活動,吸引了全球所有人的目光,也雲集了各國首腦政要和商界精英領袖。在這支來自 190 多個國家的成年人組成的慶典大家庭中,由全球未來領袖組織、美國太陽集團、零碳世界組織的一支少兒代表團也參加了聯大的觀摩與公益展演活動,由孫恩惠、和諧格格、李金潔等平均年齡不超過 16 歲的少年代表隊,回應全球人類和平委員會的號召:參加《獻給 70 周年首腦大會的和平禮物》的徵集創作活動,該活動宣導以和平為主題的書畫和歌曲,為本次聯合國 70 周年慶典活動的聯大首腦論壇增添了一抹亮麗的藍色和平風景線。

 The 70th anniversary of united nation summit in New York has drawn the eyes of everyone all over the world. It also gathered heads of politicians and leaders from business industry in various countries. During the celebration, with Delegates attending from over 190 countries, a children's delegation organized by Global Future Leader Organization, Sun Group USA and Zero Carbon Organization also participated in the public exhibitions and activities. The members of the children's delegation such as Harmony Liu, Joanna Sun and Jinjie Sophia Li, whose average age was  16 years old, participated in the creation collection activities  a “gift of peace dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the summit”,
 which advocated peace themed paintings and songs. It brought a bright and blue peace to the celebration of the summit forum


Led by the co-chairman of Global Future Leader Organization, Jonathan Sun , as well as the artist educator Chongyi He (also the Vice president of Global Future Leader Organization), the members entered into the United Nations General Assembly. They created the painting by their wisdom. Besides, the partner of Sun Group USA (they have been volunteers in this company) CRRC has contributed a High speed rail locomotive model, which was then transferred (with the painting together) to Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng LiYuan. Global Future Leader Organization not only represents the group of future hope, but also would grow stronger, serving as a talent pool for the whole world.

 由三個孩子提出的促進 “文化復興、心理復興、生態復興“ 的主張以及誓言要為“人類和平、地球零碳”而努力的夢想,得到了聯合國相關機構及許多國家有關官員的支持和讚賞!

Proposition such as “Cultural renaissance, Spiritual renaissance and ecological renaissance” made by the tree kids, as well as the faith “world peace, earth zero carbon” prompted by them has won the support and appreciation by the relevant United Nations agencies and many officials.

 在迎接聯合國 70 周年和平日之際,本張畫的創意來自於孩子們看到由敘利亞戰爭而引起的難民潮,其中一個家庭在逃向和平的異國大海上失去小小的生命,引起全球人的譁然!孩子們根據這個事件背景,畫出了主題為“ 夢想和平”的油彩畫。該畫的意義在向全球呼籲“我們要和平不要戰爭”,三歲孩子,為追求和平的夢想,奔向和平的異國他鄉沒有成功,但躺在海灘上繼續夢想作和平、奔向和平。

 While meeting the 70th anniversary of the United nations, the painting was inspired by the influx of refugees in the Syria war. Especially when a little boy lost his life in the exotic sea, which caused people around the world uproar, they created an oil painting “Dream and Peace” based on the event. The purpose of the painting is to appeal peace without war. In this picture, the three-year-old boy did not succeed in searching for peace and a peaceful country, but lay on the beach, dreaming for the peace and a peaceful world.

 九歲的和諧格格是未來領袖組織此和平活動的牽頭人、她的處女作《抗擊埃博拉,我們在行動》已經得到聯合國抗擊埃博拉大會指定為會議主題畫,並得到中外媒體的報導,她與孫恩惠、李金浩二位小朋友共同在 21 號聯合國和平日開始策劃這幅畫,並在 25 號聯大開幕時候完成了這幅畫,準備投稿作為聯合國 70 周年慶典的紀念郵票。 此畫的意義不在與只是一副藝術作品,而是體現了青少年的慈善愛心、國際視野、追求零碳的未來領袖的行動。

Nine-year-old Harmony Liu is the leader of the peaceful activities in the Global Future Leader Organization. Her debut - “Fight Ebola, we are in Action” has been designated as the meeting themed painting and is reported by the Chinese and foreign media. She along with Joanna Sun and Jinjie Sophia Li began to plan the painting and finished the painting before the opening of UN General Assembly in 25th,
 so as to contribute to the 70 anniversary commemorative stamps.

這一“以文化促和平”的聯合國 70 周年慶典的活動,得到了國內眾多少年兒童的積極回應,上海的 5 歲的小朋友王屹涵創作的“我們熱愛綠色地球與世界和平”的作品也參加了這一活動。全球未來領袖組織中國區執行機構上海市千和文化創意中心也派代表出席並見證了這一歷史時刻。

 This “culture for peace” 70th anniversary celebration event of the United Nations received positive response of many children in China. YiHan Wang , a 5-year-old child in Shanghai, has also created a work “We Love Green Globe and World Peace” and participated in this activity. Representative from the Shanghai Qianhe Cultural and Creative Center of The Global Future Leader Organization, China District, has also witnessed this historic moment

. 相关新闻网页链接:凤凰出国-新闻资讯-综合新闻:



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Harmony Liu


Harmony Liu


Harmony Liu


Harmony Liu


Harmony Liu


Harmony Liu


Harmony Liu




Harmony Liu

Harmony Liu:
Future Leader with a big heart

 When the first charity event of the
"Stop Ebola, Build Up Future Concert"
 was  hosted by
the Anti-Ebola Committee of United Nations, 

people were surprised to see a 9-year-old American-Chinese girl
 Harmony Liu
 (nicknamed as Harmony Princess)
 from New York 188 Elementary School of Bayside.

She walked in together with many famous super stars that were invited as special guests
 to go to the red carpet.  Furthermore, she was busy signing the posters that are used as propaganda for fighting Ebola
after the adults who make donations, and at the same time,
she was busy taking pictures with the starts who loved what she does; they have became
 Fans! Why was that?

Well, her drawing was selected from a drawing contest hosted by the
 “Global Future Leader Organization ”
 and her drawing was chosen to be the theme leading picture. 
Ambassadors and many officials of the United Nations
 along with many stars appreciated the meaning of her creative as following content :

“People had just woken up from the nightmare of SARS,
but the bloody and hungry Ebola invaded Africa  again, opened his mouth to Earth's Human being.
He is indeed, a stranger  to mankind, so he was on the way to spread his poison all over the planet.

 The World Healthy Organization of the United Nations (WHO) 
 lead people to fight back, raising its UN flag highly.  Sierra Leone is one of the most seriously affected by Ebola and its president,
 top scientist and top doctor together invented new medicines to use the needle with injection tube to fight to Ebola  !   

People are using their wisdom to defeat such an enemy again, protecting their health
 and the balance of the world.”

We Notice that this incredible and vivid imagery was created by a 9-year-old
American born Chinese girl, Harmony Liu; she used symbolism to represent the
 “War” against Ebola, but still with some childish marks.

The micro viruses of Ebola are being turned into big worms, being attacked by everyone under the flag of the United Nations.
Experts, doctors, and presidents are working together using a syringe as a cannon, pills as bombs.

Their efforts encourage the African countries, and their flags will keep flying in the sky.
 The rising sun foreshadows that victory will be ours.

 Many officials and stars appreciated Little Harmony’s drawing.

More meaningfully and  importantly, she gave up her 900 dollars lucky money
 which she had saved over 9 years received from relatives
 during Chinese New Year holidays for printing posters to promote anti-Ebola,
 and hope raise fund from everyone who donated more than 10 dollars would receive a signature from her on her posters.

The Stop Ebola committee of UN will plan to bring this painting to ask Secretary General  Ban Ki-moon to give this painting a signature
as to encourage her doings.

I am indeed excited as a reporter, to see the benefits of such events for training children’s morality, creativity, and compassion
, as it is essential to children’s growth.

 Harmony’s drawing ability was not being taught, it was trained; drawing is an aid to children’s ability to observe, to image, and to remember.

Drawing is an experience of heart; a child has to go through every little bit with attention, and make them into logical relations.

 Harmony is indeed a smart girl; having decent education from her family since little.

She won the Hollywood Acting Contest for children model show which the award
is IPOd  in her age of 6, and she was the only Asian girl to win it. 

She also participates in different charity activities, getting prizes in a variety of fields, having good grades in every subject.
She thinks about others, cares about her younger sisters and brothers, unites her friends, pays attentions to her surroundings,
 and is also eager to ask and think.

 Harmony Liu is not a politician or social worker.
 She is just a little girl with a kind smile.
She was born the same year the “World Harmony Bell” was born, which was alsothe
 UNited Nations  60's birthday,  so her English name was chosen as “Harmony,”
meaning Harmony for Peace (Chinese name also has a nickname  Princess “Gege”).

 Her fate was bonded to world harmony since her birth;
 her destiny is to promote Harmony and Peace!

 I believe this clever little girl is here with such a mission; she will make her own contribution to the world.

She is a role model for all kids !  I am proud for being a Chinese!

Written by He Chong Yi, Harmony’s guiding teaching & Art Reporter
Translated from Chinese to English by Victor Lou




   在联合国主办的首次抗击埃博拉大会的明星慈善行动红地毯新闻发布会中,人们看到一道风景线:来自纽约188小学的9岁华童和谐格格,被特邀与大明星们共同走进红地毯!在她身边有个捐献箱,她一会忙着在爱心大人捐献资金后,給他们在抗击埃博拉宣传日历上签字,一会儿又忙着与喜欢她的明星们合影,为何明星反倒成为她的粉丝呢? 原来她作为华童参加联合国抗击埃博拉大会承办机构之一“全球未来领袖组织”举办的绘画作品征集中,被联合国组委会选中作为该大会的主题画! 参会的联合国官员与美国明星们惊奇的欣赏这副画的画意:“人们刚从SASC的恐惧中渐渐舒缓过来,惊魂未定又见艾伯拉狰狞的血盆大口向我们地球人类袭来,艾伯拉陌生的面孔难以辨认,大有无人可挡,无法可施之势。联合国世界卫生组织高举反击艾伯拉病毒的大旗,引领人们围剿反击艾伯拉,对人类无情入侵! 当人类智慧之光降服妄想吞屠人类的艾伯拉病毒,又一次战胜天敌,保护了人类的健康、生态平衡,保护了人类的安全与和平。”

这是来自纽约9岁的美籍华童和谐格格, 她竟能以高度概括,象征手法,表现赞扬了这场保卫人类的搏斗,脸上还透着稚嫩的气息,作品中每一个形象都显示出饱满肯定象征意义。肉眼看不到的艾伯拉病毒被放大成巨虫,放在画面中群击的目标位置,联合国大旗引领在前,联合国大厦里紧张的团队再夜以继日的紧张工作着,全世界最好的老医生,老科学家,与总统共同在第一线团结奋战着,医疗器械针筒就是炮筒武器,药品当做炮弹,不制服埃博拉不罢休,他们奋战精神鼓舞着埃博拉泛滥的几个非洲国家,他们的国旗顽强的飘荡在空中,冉冉升起的太阳告诉人们,希望属于伟大善良聪明的人类。。。。


    作为记者的我也心情激动不已,不由得让人想到艺术教育与慈善活动,对培养孩子道德情操、爱心修养、想像力与创造力是多么重要,孩子几年成长的过程,孩子绘画成长,不是教出来的,而是培养出来的,绘画是一种加强记忆力,促进孩子观察力,培养孩子想象力的过程。它是由微妙精细的观察力,形象思维能力,高效的记忆力,创造的想象力,再加上手的协调运动和丰富的表达能力组成的。绘画是心理历程的培养和锻炼的过程,没有平时的多方面训练,孩子怎能这么准确的把握住主题,明确的组织画面的逻辑关系。 和谐格格这孩子天资聪慧,从小接受良好的家庭教育和薰陶从六岁开始就获得好莱坞国际表演大赛儿童组模特冠军,是唯一获得该奖的亚裔孩子,她经常参加社会慈善活动,在不同领域拿奖,门门功课都名列前茅,小小年纪善解人意,爱护弟弟妹妹、团结同学朋友、关注周围事物、善提问善思考。  

   和谐格格不是社会工作者,不是是政治家,她就是一个天真烂漫纯洁可爱的小姑娘。她与世界和谐钟共同诞生在联合国60大寿的2015年,因此起名为和谐Harmony, 小名格格,从她诞生到这个世界上,她的命运和这个世界紧密相连,她的使命就是和谐促和平!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                3月8日 2015年于纽约


Harmony Liu

Harmony Liu


Gerard Mc Keon and Joyce Brooks.  Photo by:  Rose Billings/

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