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Cajun Bucket Hollywood Christmas Parade Celebration
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Hollywood Christmas
Broadcasts Nationwide on CW
Cajun Bucket, Celebration
Sponsored by
DYF Entertainment
Cajun Bucket
Milisse, Ugoji,
Denis |
Chanukah Sameach |
The light in the
Huayuzhong National Day
Wishes Family Film Awards
As we celebrate the light, we must remember the times we are
Light means the freedom to be faithful to our faith,
and not to deny those who believe differently.
Light our candles while not being threatened by other people's candles.
" Never believe that a small group of dedicated people
can't change the world. With faith, they can do it! “
Rabbi Sachs.
We live in an age of anti-Semitism, racism and intolerance
towards those who do not look like us.
The late Martin Luther King said it best:
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an
inescapable web of interconnectedness, woven in the garment
of the same destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects
all indirectly. "
On Friday, December 16, 2022,
DYF Entertainment China celebrated
the American Family Film Awards.
At Cajun Bucket,
a Cajon Barrel restaurant in West Hampstead, Long Island,
I attended the celebration party and watched the Christmas Parade on TV.
Coincidentally, I was lucky enough to attend this
Hollywood California Christmas Parade on November 27, 2022.
The Cajon Barrel
gathering was indeed a real immigrant party in New York.
In the seated guests and guests, they represent the journey
of immigrants
to the United States.
Diversity and inclusion are our strength, and in our
diversity and difference, we are united and powerful.
Across oceans and skies, from as far afield as the UK,
Ireland, China, Pakistan, Cuba, Nigeria and Mexico,
we come from different corners of the world,
To the promised land or promised land.
The story of immigrants, is about a great determination:
to integrate into this land of hope, to take root, The determination to
grow up, and to make the greatest contribution in return for
the land that has accepted us and for the protection and
respite this land offers us.
The owner of the Cajun Bucket presents an immigrant
success story.
They come from the South China Sea, where they use their
abilities to demonstrate the tremendous contributions of
Chinese immigrants to the United States, providing jobs and
tax revenue for themselves and others.
Young employees come in all colors, shades, cultures and backgrounds. They
clatter collectively into an overall social fabric and make
their own contribution to the American economy.
Culinary diversity and cultural diversity, the most
beautiful scenery of the world's most beautiful culture and
art, and the most valuable resource of folk diplomacy and
When we sit at the table eating prawns and crabs, we can
communicate happily; When we drink tea together,
we forget our differences and prejudices.
Love - brewing in a cup of tea and a diet chat..
I must congratulate DFY Huayu China
and Dr Jennie Yi
for hosting such a diverse and amazing party at Cajun
This gathering reminds us of the power of cultural diversity
and inclusion!
Watching the Hollywood Christmas Parade on TV, it not
only shows the courage of Dr. Black and her employer, Ms.
Ma Xiaoqiu, to integrate into the mainstream culture of
More skills and talents to bring people of different colors, languages,
cultures and beliefs together. That day in the Oscar Room
watching the parade, in the happy crowds and celebratory
I saw that this is what Ubuntu is all about in
- is a
South African proverb: it embodies a quality that
encompasses the basic human virtues, namely compassion and
At the mouth-watering Cajun Bucket restaurant in
I once again saw and felt the atmosphere of Ubuntu, accompanied by
delicious dishes and warm service.
Food - that's
the best form of culinary diplomacy!
Darkness, recede in the light!
Chanukah Sameach
Dr. Ugoji Adanma Eze, Esq, writer and broadcaster. |
黑暗中的光明 .
"永远不要相信一小批有奉献精神的人,不能改变世界。在信仰的激励下,他们是做得到的! “ 拉比-萨克斯。
已故的马丁-路德-金说得最好: “任何地方的不公正都是对各地公正的威胁。
这次卡洪桶的聚会,确实是一场纽约真正的移民派对。 在坐的嘉宾和客人,
他们代表着移民到美国的旅程。多样性和包容性是我们的力量, 在我们的多样性和差异中,我们团结一致, 能量巨大。
跨越海洋和天空, 远至英国、爱尔兰、中国、巴基斯坦、古巴、尼日利亚和墨西哥, 我们从世界不同的角落, 来到这片 希望之土
promised land 或者说 应许之地。
移民的故事,讲的是一个巨大的决心: 要融入这片希望之土,植根,
卡洪桶Cajun Bucket
年轻的员工们有各种颜色、色调、文化和背景。 他们呼啦啦集体融入一个整体的社会结构,为美国的经济作出自己的贡献。
当我们坐在餐桌前吃着大虾大蟹时,我们可以开心沟通; 当我们一起喝茶时,我们会忘记我们的分歧和偏见。
爱- 在一杯茶水和饮食聊天中酝酿..
我必须祝贺DFY华宇中国和Dr Jennie Yi 裔博士在卡洪桶Cajun
那天在观看大游行奥斯卡贵宾室, 在肤色各异聚集一堂的开心观众和庆贺的笑颜中, 我看到这就是非洲的乌班图的意义。
乌班图- 是南非的一句谚语:它体现一种品质,包含人类的基本美德,即同情心和人性。
在令人垂涎欲滴的卡洪桶Cajun Bucket餐厅, 我再次看到和感受到乌班图的气氛,配以可口的菜肴和热情的服务。
美食- 那是烹饪外交的最佳形式! 黑暗,在光明中退去!
Chanukah Sameach 🕎🕎
Ugoji Adanma Eze博士,Esq ,作家和广播员。 |
Dr. Jeannie Yi ,
CEO DYF Entertainment
Rotating President , Family Film Awards |
John Lam , Chairman,
The American Hotel
Owners Charitable Association
Video Courtesy
Manzoor Hussain , Dunya International |
Photo Courtesy
Manzoor Hussain , Dunya International |
Manzoor Hussain , Dunya International |
Gerard Donovan |
Selfie Corner |
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Cajun Bucket
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This opportunity will close on 12 25 2022 |
Kinsley |
Murphy Deng Ting |
Gerard Mc Keon,
Publisher, Black Tie International Magazine
Dr. Ugoji A. Eze, Esq ,
CEO and President of Renew Our Earth
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