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Black Tie
Ambassador Ido Aharoni
Chanukah Celebration of Lights
Photos by:
Joyce Brooks/
Ambassador Ido Aharoni
Consul General of Israel
Chanukah Celebration of Lights |
Gansevoort Park Avenue Hotel
December 17, 2014 |
Hosted By:
Ambassador Ido Aharoni
Consul General of Israel
Mrs. Julie Goodman Aharoni
The Jewish National Fund
The Jewish Community Relations Council of NY
Special Guest
Minister of Tourism Uzi Landau
Ambassador Ido Aharoni and Julie Goodman Aharoni |
Michael S. Miller
Executive Vice President & CEO
Jewish Community Relations Council |
Minister of Tourism Uzi Landau and Michael Miller |
Jeffrey Levine
National President of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) |
Sheldon Silver
Assembly District 65 |
Ambassador Ron Prosor,
Permanent representative of Israel to the United Nations |
Amir Sagie, Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of
Ambassador Ido Aharoni and Michael Miller |
Aharony, singer and Tal Sharaf, keyboard |
Shimon Katz and Nancy Spielberg |
Francine Raubvogel, Chief of Staff, Bureau of the Consul
General, David Lobl, Governor Cuomo's Special Assistant
Jewish Affairs, and Cara Berkowitz, Esq., Director of
City & Federal Affairs UJA Federation of New York |
Alana Weiner and Dov Hoschander, Special Events and Social
Media Manager
Consulate General of Israel in New York |
Ambassador Ido Aharoni and Harold Brooks |
Dr. Joseph Y. Bistricer and Stuart Seldowiz |
Isaac Reshad, Melissa Jane Kronfeld and Jonathan "Yoni"
Frenkel, AIPAC |
Faina Bitelman and Caroline Lieberman |
Eric Lee, General Manager of Rooftop, Gansevoort Park Avenue
Francine Raubvogel, Chief of Staff, Bureau of the Consul
General, and Joshua A. Greenstein, Executive VP, Sales and
Marketing, Israel Wine Producers Association |
Alina Licht and Orie Baris |
Joyce Brooks, Editor-in-Chief, Black Tie International
May the Lights of Chanukah Brighten the Path to Peace for Us
All |
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, Beautiful and Blessed Holiday |
Chag Sameach!!! |
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