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Save the Date June 7, 2025
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Black Tie International Magazine:
Russian Nobility Ball
Russian Nobility Ball

Russian Nobility Ball
The Pierre Hotel
Friday June 7 2025


The 2025 RNA Ball will take place on Friday, June 7 at the Pierre Hotel.

The annual Charity Ball of the Russian Nobility Association has been held in New York since 1938, and remains a bright spot on
 the New York social calendar.

For over eighty years, the RNA has raised funds and awareness in their assistance of members of the Russian diaspora, as well as organizations that support Russian historical and cultural efforts.
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The Annual Russian Nobility Ball 2012

The Annual Russian Nobility Ball,Marisa Wadkovsky, Maria Holodny, Warren Hutchins, Olga Miklashewsky,

Junior Committee Co-Chair Marisa Wadkovsky, Executive Committee Co-Chair Maria Holodny, Executive Committee Co-Chair Warren Hutchins, Executive Chair Olga Miklashewsky,
Executive Co-Chair Lora Schiavetta

The Annual Russian Nobility Ball

The Pierre Hotel, NYC
May 11, 2012

Photo by: Black Tie Magazine/GMK

Russian Nobility Association Spring Ball
Under The Royal Patronage
H.R.H Prince Michael of Yugoslavia

Under The Gracious Patronage
T.H. Prince and Princess Nicholas Romanoff
T.H. Prince and Princess Dimitri Romanoff
T.H. Prince and Princess Andrew Romanoff
H.H. Princess Nikita Romanoff
H.H. Princess Alexander Romanoff 

Honorary Chairs 

Princess Tatiana V. Galitzine
Prince Ivan Obolensky
Mrs. Veronica Atkins - Mercentes 
Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo

Executive Committee Chair
Mrs. Olga Miklashewsky

Mr. Warren C. Hutchins

Mrs. Lora Schiavetta 

Mrs. Maria Holodny

International Committee
Honorary Chairs
T. H. Duke and Duchess Huno Von Oldenburg
H.R.H. Prince Jean D’Orléans, Duc De Vendôme
 H.H. Princess Alexandra of Greece  
Prince and Princess David Chavchavadze 
Mr. & Mrs. Rajaa Chouairi 
Prince and Princess Andre P. Gagarin  
Mrs. Marina Wolkonsky Galesi  
Prince Andrei K. Galitzine  
Princess Katya Galitzine  
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gunn-Walberg  
Baroness Maya de Haynau   
Countess Monica Ignatiew   
           Countess Marina von Kamarovsky 
           Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kotschoubey   
             Count Gerome Colloredo Mansfeld 
         Count and Countess Andrei Tolstoy-Miloslavsky   
  Prince Carl Schwartzenberg   
         Count and Countess André Stenbock-Fermor   
  H.S.H. Princess Stephanie de Windisch-Graetz 
Junior Committee
Natalia Baronina and Marisa Wadkovsk
Miss Dominique de Beckendorff  
Miss Svetlana Bucharina  
Count Alexander Cheremeteff 
Mrs. Natalia Duncan 
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fedorowski 
Princess Nina Galitzine
Miss Anastasia Gouliaeva
Mr. Thomas Grigsby
Miss Elena Holodny
Mr. and Mrs. Vladislav Kalyuzhny
 Mr. and Mrs. Dmitri Konon
Miss Elena Kowalsky
Mrs. Luba Libarikian
Mr. Gregory Nedeltscheff
Miss Anastasia Panfilova
Mrs. Alexandra K. Pogogeff-Grigsby
Mr. Alexander Pouschine
Miss Tatiana Sarandinaki 
Miss Daria  Schiavetta
Mr. Serge P. Shohov
Miss Anfisa Sokolova
Mr. Christopher Spiro
Mr. and Mrs. David Smart
Count Alexis Stenbock-Fermor
Mr. an Mrs. Ilya Zerakhito

Andrea Spring, Christopher Spiro, Tatina Sarandinaki

 Andrea Spring, Christopher Spiro, Tatina Sarandinaki

Rachell Oatman, Christopher Spiro

Rachell Oatman, Christopher Spiro

Alexander Ponomarenko, Andrea Spring,  Elena Belyayeva

Alexander Ponomarenko, Andrea Spring,  Elena Belyayeva

Gerard Mc Keon, Elena Belyayeva

Gerard Mc Keon, Elena Belyayeva

Monica Elvira, Cpurtney Adante, Natasha Dashkova, & Lena Aminova.

Monica Elvira, Courtney Adante, Natasha Dashkova, & Lena Aminova.

Junior Committee and Friends

Junior Committee and Friends

Photo by:
Lena Aminova

Lena Smart, Sarah Angelini, Christopher Spiro,Marisa Wadkovsky, Nina Mansfield

Lena Smart, Sarah Angelini, Christopher Spiro,
Marisa Wadkovsky, Nina Mansfield

Christopher Spiro, Alexander Ponomar, Vaagn Andikyan, Isaiah Trofimenko

Christopher Spiro, Alexander Ponomar, Vaagn Andikyan, Isaiah Trofimenko

Dr. Steven Siegel, Dame Larissa Van Duser

Dr. Steven Siegel, Dame Larissa Van Duser

Lucretia Obolensky, Andrea Spring

Princess Lucretia Obolensky, Andrea Spring

Ivan Obolensky, Alison Chase, Lucretia Obolensky, Rod O'Connel

Prince Ivan Obolensky, Alison Chase, Princess Lucretia Obolensky,
Rod O'Connel

Van Cliburn, Lucretia Obolensky, Honorable Consul General Andrey Yushmanov

Van Cliburn, Lucretia Obolensky,
Ambassador  Andrey Yushmanov

Edward Marchese DiLamporecchio, Laurie Sanderson, Dr. Wolfam Koeppe

Edward Marchese DiLamporecchio, Laurie Sanderson, Dr. Wolfam Koeppe

Arthur Loh, Stephanie Loh

Dr. Lewis Feder

Dr. Lewis Feder

Olga Evgrafova, Zoheir Shaban

Olga Evgrafova, Zoheir Shaban

 Natasha Dashkova, Courtney Adante, Ms. Tamara McKeehan  ,Olga Evgrafova, Zoheir Shaban

 Natasha Dashkova, Courtney Adante, Ms. Tamara McKeehan
 Zoheir Shaban, Olga Evgrafova.

Dr. Steven Siegel, Dame Larissa Van Duser, Rod O' Connell,

Dr. Steven Siegel, Dame Larissa Van Duser, Rod O' Connell,
Rachell Oatman,
Robert Ward, Liz Burke

Robert Ward, Liz Burke

Robert Ward, Liz Burke

David Bythewood, Natalya Bythewood,Baroness Dominique de Benckendorff, David Starling

David Bythewood, Natalya Bythewood,
Baroness Dominique de Benckendorff, David Starling

Marisa Wadkovsky, Maria Holodny, Warren Hutchins, Olga Miklashewsky,

Marisa Wadkovsky, Maria Holodny, Warren Hutchins, Olga Miklashewsky,
 Lora Schiavetta

Hayden Hosford, Marisa Wadovsky, Elizabeth Goster

Hayden Hosford, Marisa Wadkovsky, Elizabeth Goster

Lucretia Obolensky, Mary Mc Fadden

Princess Lucretia Obolensky, Mary Mc Fadden

Tatiana Sarandinaki, Warren Hutchins, Mary McFadden

Tatiana Sarandinaki, Warren Hutchins, Mary McFadden

Andrea Spring, Leonid Gurevich

Andrea Spring, Leonid Gurevich

Nadia Kovarskaya, Harold Van Voorhis

Nadia Kovarskaya, Harold Van Voorhis

Monica Elvira, Sarah Angelini, Princess Lucretia Obolensky, Courtney Adante

Monica Elvira, Sarah Angelini, Princess Lucretia Obolensky, Courtney Adante

Monica Elvira, Sarah Angelini, Lucretia Obolensky,

Monica Elvira, Sarah Angelini, Lucretia Obolensky,
Tarina Mc Keehan, Courtney Adante
Natasha Dashkova
, Lena Aminova

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Tamara Mc Keehan

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Tamara Mc Keehan

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Tamara Mc Keehan

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Tamara Mc Keehan


Lucretia Obolensky, Nadia Kovarskaya

Tatiana Sanders, Danslav Slavenskoj, Elena Ivanika

Tatiana Sanders, Danslav Slavenskoj, Elena Ivanika

Susan Strumer, George Selinsky, Diana Corto

Susan Stowner, George Selinsky, Diana Corto

Tamara Mc Keehan, Danslav Slavenskoj,Tatiana Sanders, Elena Ivanika

Tamara Mc Keehan, Danslav Slavenskoj,Tatiana Sanders, Elena Ivanika

See you all next year...


Black Tie International:
The Annual Russian Nobility Ball

Prince Ivan Obolensky,  Junior Committee Co-C,Irina Dverjitsky San Fillipo,Junior Committee Co-Chair Marisa Wadkovsky,Karen Wadkovsky,Andrei Holodny ,Junior Committee Co-Chair, Elena Holodny,Maria Holodny
Prince Ivan Obolensky,  
Junior  Co-Chair, Christopher Spiro,
RNA Board Member Paul Wadkovsky

Princess Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo
Junior  Co-Chair Marisa Wadkovsky,
Karen Wadkovsky,
DR.Andrei Holodny
 Junior  Co-Chair
Elena Holodny,
Executive  Vice-Chair,
Maria Holodny

Under the gracious patronage of

T.H. Prince and Princess Nicholas Romanoff

T.H. Prince and Princess Dimitri Romanoff

T.H. Prince and Princess Andrew Romanoff

H.H. Princess Nikita Romanoff

H.H. Princess Alexander Romanoff

  Executive Ball Committee


Mrs. Olga Miklashewsky


Mr. Warren C. Hutchins

Mrs. Lora Schiavetta

Mrs. Maria Holodny

Executive Secretary

Princess Elizabeth Galitzine

Honorary Chairs

Princess Tatiana V. Galitzine

Mrs. Veronica Atkins

Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo

Prince Ivan Obolensky

International Committee

Honorary Chairs

Prince and Princess David Chavchavadze

Count and Countess Nicholas Cheremeteff

Mr. and Mrs. Rajaa Chouairi

H.S.H. Prince Jerome von Colloredo-Mansfield

Prince and Princess André P. Gagarin

Mrs. Marina Wolkonsky Galesi

Prince Andrei K. Galitzine

Princess Katya Galitzine

Prince Piotr Galitzine

H.R.H. Princess Alexandra of Greece

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gunn-Walberg

T.I. and R.H. Archduke and Archduchess Géza von Habsburg

Baroness Maya de Haynau

Countess Monica Ignatiew

Countess Marina von Kamarovsky

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kotchoubey

T.H. Duke and Duchess Huno von Oldenburg

H.R.H. Prince Jean d’Orléans, Duc de Vendôme

Count and Countess Andrei Tolstoy-Miloslavsky

H.S.H. The Prince Karel zu Schwarzenberg

Count and Countess Andrei Stenbock-Fermor

H.S.H. Princess Stephanie zu Windisch-Graetz

H.R.H. Prince Michael of Yugoslavia

Benefit Committee

Count Pierre Apraxine

Miss Helena Ashton

Mr. Andrei BenzemanN

Mrs. Barbara Brookes

Princess Maria Chavchavadze

Countess Kyra Cheremeteff

Mr. Thomas William Richardson

Mr. Valera Danchenko

Mrs. Natalia Duncan

Mr. and Mrs. Pavel Efremkin

Mrs. Gaetana Enders

Prince Gregorii Galitzine

Princess Nina Galitzine

Mrs. Cyril Geacintov

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Markoff George

Bryan Gere, Khan Djangir Prince Chingiz

Mrs. Elizabeth Guest

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Hills

Prof. Andrei Holodny

Mrs. Elena Shemetoff Hutchins

Mr. Michael Jordan

Mrs. Tatiana Sarandinaki-Kadaria

Mrs. Natalya Kasyanova

Miss Virginia Kinzey

Mrs. Milos Knorr

Miss Natasha Konon

Mme. Natalia Kolodzei

Mrs. Tatiana Kolodzei

Mr. and Mrs. Vladimir Kowalenko

Mr. Eric Alexander Kuzmuk

Mr. Jacques Leviant

Mr. Joseph Mattia

Miss Elizabeth M. Miheyev

Mr. Igor Miklashewsky

Miss Priscilla McOstrich

Mrs. Lucy Puig Neis

Mr. Nicholas B. A. Nicholson

Mr. Thomas Nugent

Prince Sergei Ourusoff

Princess Alexis N. Obolensky

Princess Lucretia Obolensky

Mme. Elena Orlukova

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oudolski

Princess Eugenia Gagarin Pujol

Duke of Mayola Raoul Pujol

Mrs. Konstantin Pio-Ulsky

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pogogeff

Mr. Blair Pogue

Mrs. John Pouschine

Miss Elizabeth Rosen

Dr. Robert Ritch and Rivichi Saito

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sareyani

Mr. John Schiavetta

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Selinsky

Mr. Ian Serjantov

Miss Diane M. A. Procofieff de Seversky

Princess AnnE Sidamon-Eristoff

Mr. and Mrs. David Smart

Mrs. Peter Tcherepnine

Mr. Andrei Tiajoloff

Dr. Wellington S. Tichenor

Mrs. Paul Wadkovsky

Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ross Whitaker

Mrs. Robert D. Wickham

H.S.H. Princess Elena N. Wolkonsky

H.S.H. Prince Oleg A. Wolkonsky

Count and Countess Alexander Woronzoff-Dashkoff


Junior Committee


Miss Marisa Wadkovsky, Mr. Christopher Spiro

and Miss Elena Holodny

Mr. Vsevolod Belikov

Miss Dominique de Benckendorff

Count Alexander Cheremeteff

Count Nicolas Cheremeteff

Miss Natasha Dashkova

Miss Katherine Djurdjinovic

Mr. Alexander Djurdjinovic

Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Fedorowski

Princess Anna Galitzine

Princess Alexandra Galitzine

Miss Anastasia Gouliaeva

Miss Nadejda Grankina

Mr. Andre Jordan

Miss Nina Kafozoff

Miss Kateryna Khomenko

Miss Katherine Krassovsky

Mr. and Mrs. Dmitri Konon

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller

Miss Daria Napolina

Mr. Gregory Nedeltscheff

Mr. and Mrs. John Paschenko

Mr. Alexander Pouschine

Miss Bessie Rentzler

Mr. Serge Sarandinaki

Mr. Michael Sareyani

Miss Darya Schiavetta

Mr. Aleksandr Schiavetta

Mr. Maxim Schidlovsky

Mr. Isaiah Trofimenko

Mr. Peter Wolkow

Mr. and Mrs. Ilya Zerakhto


The Russian Nobility Association in America, Inc.

Board of Directors

Dr. Cyril E. Geacintov President

Prince Vladimir C. Galitzine V ice President

Prince Ivan Obolensky V P & Treasurer

Mrs. Irina Dvorjitsky-San Filippo S ecretary

Dr. Pavel Efremkin

Mr. Warren C. Hutchins

Mr. Igor Miklashewsky

Mr. Alexandr Neratoff

Mr. Konstantin Pio-Ulsky

Mr. John Pouschine

Mr. Peter Tcherepnine

Mr. Paul Wadkovsky

Miss Tatyana Zakharova


Prince Alexis Obolensky, Sr. 1936 - 1939

Mr. Vassilii Wadkovsky 1939 - 1941

Count Boris von Berg 1941 - 1942

Count Paul de Kotzeboue 1942 - 1953

Prince Serge Belosselsky-Belozersky 1953 - 1960

Prince Leonid Eletskoy 1960 - 1963

Col. Peter Martynov 1963 - 1971

Prince Alexis Scherbatow 1971 - 2002

Dr. Cyril E. Geacintov 2002 -



Calvin Saunders, Sr., Andrea Spring, Alexandra Kargin, Calvin Saunder Jr.

Calvin Saunders, Sr., Andrea Spring, Alexandra Kargin, Calvin Saunder Jr.

Prince Ivan Obolensky, Gerard Mc Keon

Prince Ivan Obolensky, Gerard Mc Keon

Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy and Princess Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo

Countess Nicholas Bobrinskoy and Princess Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo

 Claire Bader, Dr.Herbert Gould, Haydem Hosford

 Claire Bader, Dr.Herbert Gould, Haydem Hosford

Elena Holodny, Andrei Holodny and Maria Holodny

 Elena Holodny, Andrei Holodny and Maria Holodny

Prince Ivan Obolensky, Gerard Mc Keon, Andrea Spring

Prince Ivan Obolensky, Gerard Mc Keon, Andrea Spring

Karen Wadkovsky,Princess Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo, Marisa Wadkovsky, Paul Wadkovsky

Karen Wadkovsky,Princess Irina Dvorjitsky San Filippo,
 Marisa Wadkovsky, Paul Wadkovsky

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Mohammed Rebecca, Daria Mirgorodskaya

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Mohammed Rebecca, Daria Mirgorodskaya

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Dennis Easter

Leonida Zaloutskaya, Dennis Easter

 Kseniya and Philip Rybin

 Kseniya and Philip Rybin

Peter Wolkow, Katya Krassovsky

Peter Wolkow, Katya Krassovsky

Carole and. Molika

Carole and Molika

 Carole and Kreditor

 Carole and Kreditor


 Alla Lopez, Gabril Boter, Junior Committee Co-Chair Marisa Wadkovsky, Junior Committee Co-Chair,Elena Holodny, Linda Hong de Clef, General Manager, Boutique Breguet,Junior Committee Co-Chair, Christopher Spiro.

 Alla Lopez, Gavril Boter of Pepela Restaurant
Junior Co-Chair Marisa Wadkovsky,
 Junior Co-Chair
Elena Holodny,
 Linda Hong de Clef, General Manager, Boutique Breguet,
Junior Co-Chair, Christopher Spiro.

Christopher Spiro, Marisa Wadkovsky, Elena Holodny,

Christopher Spiro, Marisa Wadkovsky, Elena Holodny

Elena Holodny, Maxim Schidlovsky

Elena Holodny, Maxim Schidlovsky

Andrew Shore, Michael Revis

Andrew Shore, Michael Revis

Anna Druzhkova, Isaiah Trofimenko, Elena Shilova, Christopher Spiro

Anna Druzhkova, Isaiah Trofimenko, Elena Shilova, Christopher Spiro

Anna Sergeeva, Gavril Boter, Alla Lopez

Anna Sergeeva, Gavril Boter, Alla Lopez

Peter Wolkov, Katya Krassovsky

Peter Wolkow, Katya Krassovsky

Prince Vladmir K. Galitzine

Prince Vladmir K. Galitzine

George Dundaa, Herbert Gould

George Dundaa, Herbert Gould

Paul Wadkovsky, Marisa Wadkovsky, Karen Wadkovsky,

Paul Wadkovsky, Marisa Wadkovsky, Karen Wadkovsky,


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