Thank you, to the AVAP.E.A.C.E. team
and to the many individuals and organizations
who worked on the week of events.
We are planning to reschedule
to the General Assembly week in 2014
Call me to discuss
Cell: 917 691 0564
Gerard Mc Keon

NYC, September 22 - 27, 2013
Dr. Hans Reinisch, Chairman of
you to partner
as we launch an important new Global
Philanthropic Initiative:
Wall of P.E.A.C.E.,
Black Tie Awards
Gala, Celebrating International Peace Day
Sunday, September 22, 2013
World Innovation Awareness Conference
September 23 to 27 , 2013
Innovation Showcase
September 23 to 27 , 2013
World P.E.A.C.E. Concert,
Globally, Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wall of P.E.A.C.E.
Black Tie
Awards Gala
Sunday, September 22, 2013
is the formal Black Tie Gala Awards
Celebrating International Peace Day.
Guests will include a Who’s Who of International Society
and Celebrity Philanthropy.
This ultra VIP event will quickly become the must attend
event of
the U.N. Social Season and will generate enormous
worldwide media attention.
An Important part of the Gala, will be the induction of
distinguished World Leaders into the prestigious
which recognizes a life time
of Philanthropic achievement
and their own unique inspirational contribution to Humanity
We will also be appointing young musicians to act as
P.E.A.C.E. Ambassadors for the Year 2014.
They will be sponsored and funded to promote
International P.E.A.C.E projects during the year
Listen to: All we want is

World Innovation Awareness
to be held in NYC during the United Nations, General
Assembly week.
September 23 to 28 , 2013
Top World Governmental Officials, Foundation Heads, and
Civil Society Leaders, will be invited to meet with the
world's foremost development leaders. The conference will
include business innovators, fund investors
and the top stakeholders who are leading the way in
International Philanthropic Development
This highly anticipated and transformational Public Private
will revitalize the National and International market
capacities to deliver upon the promises and commitments
agreed upon
in the Millennium Development Goals.
The focus of the Conferences will be the rapid application
of Actionable and Tangible Solutions, combining the best
performing and successful Philanthropic Development
Practices with the power of the market system.
The Conference
will identify quickly applicable solutions, new technologies
and scalable applications which can make meaningful and real
on the needs of the Developing world and poorer communities.
The Week of events will be prominently featured by the
world’s media who will Be congregated in NYC for the
United Nations General Assembly.
In addition, AVA P.E.A.C.E.
will be broadcasted live from NYC to millions of virtual
attendees; this worldwide audience will be invited through
the convening power of Social media and traditional media to interactively join in the discussion
Each conference will consist of a panel of world renowned
experts who will lead a three hour interactive discussion
broadcasting live worldwide.
Over 200 stake holders will
attend each conference with thousands more joining in the
conversation virtually. The live broadcast will include
additional experts who will add their comments and analysis
to the live discussion. Viewers will be encouraged to tweet
and interact, generating a meaningful and engaging
conversation. This will truly be a Global Conversation.
Monday through Friday, two separate themed conferences
will be scheduled daily. Directly following each of the
three-hour conferences will be a two-hour interactive
networking lunch reception, where moderators will consult and
survey the guests and generate actionable recommendations.
Each evening additional synergistic opportunities will be
generated by High Level Receptions and themed events with
specially invited A-list guests. These exclusive events will
amplify the themes of the day's conferences and additional
world media coverage will be generated from the presentation
of prestigious awards
to the Celebrity Guests
Conference Launch Event in February 2013
Black Tie International Magazine
Navigate Innovation Briefing:
Conference Themes:
(more to add later)
The New Doctors Bag:
"One Million new primary health care workers,
How to equip them with the best technologies to deliver
Joyce Banda Foundation,
Black Tie International Magazine
Digital Health:
Digital Health Foundation
"Connectivity and Broadband Offer the best solution to
delivery of high quality Health Care"
Mobiles for Midwifes
"Every Women Counts, Every Child Counted
Over 35% of the births on the planet are not recorded"
The Good life at 150
The imminent 50 plus years of Longevity in the Developed World
To Age or not to Age
Black Tie International Magazine
Building for the next 10 Billion
Earths population will double shortly Building Future
Public / Private Partnerships The New model for

Innovation Showcase
NYC, September 23 - 27, 2013
Innovative technology and business solution providers will
be invited to exhibit and educate the attendees on their
By bringing everyone together in NYC, transactional costs
are greatly reduced and a more efficient market will be
created. This is of great importance to smaller countries as
it will ensure quicker and better decision making and
Angel Investors, Venture Capitalists, Donor Advised Funds,
Crowd Funding Investors, Institutional Investors and
Micro Philanthropists, will have the opportunity to examine
technologies which be taken to scale and explore the
opportunity of adding their investment capital to solutions
which can deliver results
and achieve profitability
We are also exploring the possibility of establishing a
multi-million dollar fund which will run independently
and will invest directly in
the best companies offering

AVA P.E.A.C.E. Concert,
Broadcasting Worldwide
P.E.A.C.E. Concert
will connect NYC to the youth
of the world. Featuring top International musical talent,
and broadcasting a message of hope, from Mid-Town,
World Leaders and Philanthropists will join the A-list
performers on Stage and celebrate the creative talent of the
planet while joining together to Crowd Source the
possibilities for good.
The event will last over 8 hours
with performances from globally recognized celebrities and
individuals that share the common goal of world peace.
Performers will be introduced by National and UN leaders
from their respective countries locally via the web cast and
this is in addition to live television broadcasting from the
concert stage
Several National Government Leaders will
be in NYC)
We plan to announce the final choice of venue, with a large
media event
and sponsor launch in July.
The event will also be the worldwide launch of the newly
recorded song called P.E.A.C.E., produced by Grammy winning
Rudy Perez and will be performed from various international
Top Artists.
All monies raised digitally through subscriptions for the
concert will fund,
One Music.
is made possible by the Sponsorship and Support of:
Avazoo: World's First Billion Dollar Raffle, Benefits
Millennium Development Goals
One Music
Brabham and Associates
Black Tie International Magazine
(Additional Sponsors to add later)
UN Development Goals
Printable PDF of
1. End poverty
2. Empower girls and women and achieve gender equality
3. Provide quality education and lifelong learning
4. Ensure healthy lives
5. Ensure food security and good nutrition
6. Achieve universal access to water and sanitation
7. Secure sustainable energy
8. Create jobs, sustainable livelihoods, and equitable
9. Manage natural resource assets sustainably
10. Ensure good governance and effective institutions
11. Ensure stable and peaceful societies
12. Create a global enabling environment and catalyse
long term finance
For More Information Please Contact :
Gerard Mc Keon
Black Tie International Magazine
Cell:917 691 0564 |