Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dube Named as Co-chairs for
47th Annual Beaux Arts Ball
The Lighthouse ArtCenter’s annual fundraising event
to feature silent and live auctions, elegant dining,
and dancing the night away to the live sounds of the Bob
Hoose Band
Tequesta, FL – The theme for the 47th annual
Beaux Arts Ball is “One Magical Evening – The Thrill is
Back!” as the Lighthouse ArtCenter invites the public to
join the fabulous company of art lovers and supporters for
one extraordinary evening of exciting silent and live
auctions, elegant dining, and dancing the night away to the
live sounds of the Bob Hoose Band.
The event takes place on Saturday, March 5, 2011 at the
beautiful Frenchman’s Reserve, located at
703 Cote Azur Drive in
Palm Beach Gardens.
The Lighthouse ArtCenter is a not-for-profit organization
which provides a bridge to the visual and performing arts
for the community through unique collections, engaging
exhibitions and cultural programs, a dynamic School of Art
and diverse outreach activities.
Sponsoring the event are Northern Trust Bank, DEX
Imaging, Inc., Publix Super Market Charities, Inc., and
Susan Namm Spencer. Tickets are $275 per person,
and may be purchased by contacting the Lighthouse ArtCenter
by phone at (561) 746-3101 or via e-mail at
laura@lighthousearts.org .
About Dr. and Mrs. Richard Dube
The Dubes are residents of Tequesta with a lifelong
appreciation for art. They wish to express their honor and
delight to be Chairs of the 2011 Beaux Arts Ball. They have
appreciated the exhibitions and programs the Lighthouse
ArtCenter has presented, and have immensely enjoyed the
former Beaux Arts Balls, the D’Art for Art events and the
camaraderie of other Lighthouse ArtCenter members.
For the past twenty-eight years, Dr. Dube has been in
general practice in Stuart; he previously worked as an
emergency room physician in Chicago. His wife, Geraldine
Genco, or "GG," is an expert witness in securities fraud and
the Mayor emeritus for the Village of Tequesta. She has
served on a number of committees and boards in Palm Beach
County. The 2011 Ball theme is "One Magical Evening — The
Thrill is Back!" This theme goes with the un-official motto
of Rick’s alma mater, the University of Wisconsin:
"We may lose the game, but we never lost a party."
For more information, please visit