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Yu Hanyu, United Nations, NYC |
"China Ink Innovation Award",
Mr. Yu Hanyu |
Yu Hanyu
New York , United Nations Headquarters
Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition
opening Luncheon
Pictures and Article by: Black Tie Magazine/Rose
Billings, Hu Shunan
Mr. Kevin Yang, Chaiman, Chinese Contemporary Art Foundation in
the USA
Opened the Luncheon and introduced the VIP Guests
MS. Ma Yuanchun, Press Commissar, Permanent Mission of the
Republic of China tot he United Nations, Mr Li. Livan, Cultural
Counselor of the Consulate General in New York, Ms. Gao
Wenmaei, Cultural Consul, Mr. Ma Xiaochen, Cultural Consul, Mr.
Ma Linguo, President of Xinhua News Agancy's , UN Ofiice, Mr
Yang Chun, CCTV's, Chief Correspondent in the United Nations,
Mr. Huang Tianbo, Chief Executive Office of China Newsweek,
Dr. Jeannie Yi, CG
International Media,
Gerard McKeon, Publisher, Black Tie China |
we asked the head of the United Nations delegation to China and
former head of the UN Chinese team, Dr. He Yong, to speak
a speech by Mr. Yao Jicheng, President of Global Artists
Now we warmly welcomed the famous painter Yu Hanyu
who delivered a wonderful speech.
Allowing us to know more about Yu's painting art,
in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the field of
Chinese painting and his important contribution to the promotion
of Sino-American cultural exchange, and now we Mr. Ingrid Lewismartin, the representative of the New York City government
Brooklyn Governor Mr. Adams, was presented with a honorary title
for Mr. Yu.
Next, we invited the co-organizer of this event to deliver a
speech on behalf of Dr. Dr. Jin Sheng, president of Wall Street
Center of gravity (about 5 minutes) Addressing Dr. Russ Gerson,
Grand Son-in-law of President Roosevelt, who introduced Dr.
Jin's Voice
Now we invite Ms. Soeland, President of the famous American
"Martha Surherland Fine Arts" to give a speech
Now, we ask Mr. Yang Hao, chairman of the China Foundation for
Contemporary Art, to award the "China Ink Innovation Award"
Medal for
the famous painter Mr. Yu Hanyu
At the same time, we also invited Mr. Yang Hao, Chairman of the
China Foundation for Contemporary Art to present the Medal for
the Contribution to the Promotion of Chinese Tea Arts to the
sponsor, famous entrepreneur and tea lady Ms. Wang Changying.
感谢余老师的精彩演讲,让我们更深入地了解了余老师的绘画艺术,为表彰他在中国绘画领域所取得的杰出成就以及表彰他对促进中美文化交流所做出的重要贡献,现在我们有请纽约市政府布鲁克林区区长亚当斯先生的代表Ingrid Lewismartin先生为余涵宇先生颁发表扬状。
由裔锦声博士引荐美国罗斯福总统的外孙女婿Russ Gerson先生讲话(3分钟)
(现在我们邀请美国著名画廊“兰庭”(Martha Surherland Fine Arts)的总裁苏泽兰女士致辞
现在,请大家享用午餐!谢谢大家! |
Ms. Ingrid Lewismartin, the representative of the New York City
Government Brooklyn Governor Mr. Adams, was presented an
honorary title to Mr.Yu |
Mr. Li Liyan, Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Consulate
General in New York,
Yu Hanyu,
Dr. Jeannie Yi, CG
International Media |
Yu Hanyu,
Luncheon Group Picture |
Yu Hanyu, United
Nations, NYC |
Dr. Jeannie Yi, CG
International Media |
Mr. Kevin Yang, Chairman, Chinese Contemporary Art Foundation in
the USA |
Dr Russ Gerson,
Feng Chen, |
Dr. Jeannie Yi, Ms.
Wang Chanquing, Professor Feng Chen,
Hu Shunan, Reporter, Black Tie China |
Mr. Kevin Yang, Jing Li |
Victoria Rong
Kennedy, Gerard Mc Keon, Publisher, Black Tie China |
Group Photo |
Who is Yu Hanyu?
Yu Hanyu, a native of Hubei, was born in 1964
and now lives in Beijing.
In 1985, Yu graduated from Hubei
Academy of Fine Arts Department of Painting.
In 1992, Yu got his
degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts where he studied
landscape painting and calligraphy. Now, a national renown
artist, Yu is the president of China Federation of Literary
Resource Center and Deputy Dean of Beijing Academy Institute of
Traditional Painting and Calligraphy.
As a
famous painter active on the national and international art
scene, Yu has participated in numerous exhibitions both at home
and abroad and has had his works featured numerous times in both
domestic and global art newspapers and TV series such as "Fine
Arts", "Artistic Observation" and "Chinese Painting and
Calligraphy" and CCTV. Yu’s
paintings and calligraphy works have been auctioned by
Rongbaozhai Auction Company, Hanhai Auction Company and Guardian
Auction Company and were well received by collectors.
Artist Yu Hanyu
Art style
A reinvention of brilliant jade and gold -Traditional Chinese
with a focuses on Tibetan glaciers
One of the
defining features of Yu Hanyu‘s
landscape paintings is the atmosphere they create. Mr.Yu's
artistic creation draw their inspiration and theme from the
snow-capped mountains and glaciers of Tibet. Much like how the
prophet Muhammad went into the mountains to find retrospection
and insight, the artist Yu went into the sacred mountains of
Tibet where he found inspiration and breakthrough - it is in
this pristine and harsh environment that Yu came into a new and
elegant artistic style of landscape painting of his own.
Mr.Yu elevates traditional Chinese paintings to an all together
other level by producing the effects of oil painting through
using traditional painting mediums of rice paper and heavy ink.
For his reinventions and breakthroughs, Yu has received many
In 1994,
his work
was awarded the silver medal at t
he third International Ink Painting Festival.
In 1996,
his work "Wushan Yun" was chosen as part of the selected works of teachers
and students and featured in the Fine Arts in Taiwan Zhongshan
Memorial Hall exhibition.
In 1997
his works were shown at the Chinese Painting Research Institute Exhibition
In 2000
an art book titled "Chinese painting and calligraphy masterpiece
- Yu Han Yu”
was published.
Yu Hanyu’s
Landscape Paintings
Tibet is
muse - he is enchanted by the beautiful scenery and bewitched
into repeatedly visiting the snowy plateaus that few people even
dare to tread, all to seek out inspiration in the magnificent
scenery of Tibet. There, Yu spent months to create his works,
two of which titled "snow-capped mountains" and "glaciers”
“I’ve always wanted to bring Traditional Chinese Painting to
the world! It is one of the reasons I focus so very much on
color. I chose Tibet's snow-capped mountains glaciers to be the
theme not only because Tibet has not been painted in this way
before but also because Tibet has transfixed me like it has the
rest of the world. Therefore, I feel the artistic style and
thematic content fall together perfectly - the artistic style is
unique and modern, the theme is beautiful and global
- together it is perfectly poised to make a global impact.”
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